Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Our company's Code of Conduct for directors and employees indicates our commitment to "observe compliance-related laws and rules," and states that we will comply with Japanese and international laws and rules.
In order to observe laws and regulations related to the protection of personal information (hereinafter referred to as "laws and regulations") and properly handle personal information under this Code of Conduct, we established a Privacy Policy as indicated below. With all directors and employees observing this policy, we will strive to protect personal information.

  1. Identifying purpose of use
    Our company will, to the extent possible, identify the purpose of using personal information and, unless prescribed otherwise by law or regulation, will use the information only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
  2. Communicating purpose of use
    When acquiring personal information, our company will publicly announce the purpose of use in advance or will publicly announce or notify the person concerned promptly after acquiring the information, unless prescribed otherwise by law or regulation.
  3. Properly acquiring personal information
    Our company will acquire personal information by appropriate means and only when necessary to execute business.
  4. Ensuring accuracy
    When handling personal information, our company will strive to keep the content accurate and up to date to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
  5. Safely managing information and supervising employees/contractors
    Our company will take necessary and appropriate measures to keep personal information safe, and will manage and supervise employees and contractors accordingly.
  6. Providing to third parties
    Our company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the person concerned, unless prescribed otherwise by law or regulation.
  7. Continuously reexamining rules
    Our company has established in-house rules concerning the protection of personal information and will continuously reexamine the content and strive for improvement.